Know that 400,000 babies are born everyday globally, all of them heterosexual, by the end of this week that’s almost 3 million straight heterosexual children will be born through the natural cycle if life. In the course of 60 days that’s 24 million New Borns we need to support until they are 18 years old!


Take 10 seconds to watch the counter since January 1, 2024.
If you had a 4-17 year old would you want anyone else determining their sexual gender before age 18?
Where is the stewardship to protect these millions of children born monthly?

July 22, 2024. Elon  Musk, “I was tricked into signing papers”I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys… This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on.” “There was a lot of confusion and you know, I was told, oh he might commit su*cide…” “My son Xavier is dead, k*lled by the woke mind virus.” “I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that… and we are making some progress.” .

Texas Supreme Court Reverses ruling on allowing puberty blockers.

June 28, 2024.  can enforce its ban on on prescribing puberty blockers and sexual reassignment surgery. According to the ruling issued Friday by the State’s Supreme Court. This story moved like wildfire after report article by Christopher Rufo, substack, detailing the arrest of a physician at Texas Children’s Hospital and another nurse came forward as whistleblowers to report both on continuing secret surgeries and Texas legislature getting involved after it was revealed two physicians were billing Medicaid for treatments, this is illegal.

May 2024.  T Chan School/Harvard Pilgrim Study:

Bisexual. Lesbian women die earlier than heterosexual women, bisexual 37% sooner and lesbian women 20% sooner than heterosexual peers. Truly if these people could hold an infant in their arms at that point their hearts would not be on their identity but on another heart, it’s at that point that God can heal if they could look to Him. He can heal. But primarily focused on their identities, parents must now move to protect their children and require DOE and schools to remove LGBT literature and any staff or teaching personnel who seek to transit a young student with gender exploration. Once you realize safety is freedom from risk, with any public health issue we must now protect young people from making choices that could lead them down a road to earlier mortality.

June 6, 2024 Pediatricians of the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) signed the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration call on prominent American medical institutions to halt current harmful protocols and that children are put in serious harm by surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones and that these interventions do not improve the physical or mental well-being of adolescents with gender dysphoria.

May 24, 2024. Half of the United States now ban puberty blockers and so called transgender care. With the passage of South Carolinas ban on May 21, 2024, In addition “Risks to physicians: Physicians can be sued, and treatment is considered “unprofessional conduct” subject to medical board discipline. Major wins in the past 36 months have propelled this and hopefully more states will now join, to limit these unethical procedures.

May 5, 2024 America needs to get back to prioritizing special needs populations of Downs’ Syndrome Children, the different spectrum of Autism diagnosis, literacy, deaf, even cleft lip and palate infants.  The proportion of resources now given to LGBT issues is taking time away and draining resources from these special needs groups as the White House  appears they yet want to create a new group of adult special needs with their sexual identities.  This carves out a massive tranche of potential graduating college students who might otherwise go on to be researchers, physicians and specialist’s in these critical population need areas.  And once if we do reprioritize focus on these special needs populations and their families, we need to look at legacy models of care for populations, once their parents pass on, who is asking the question, “Who will take care of my adult special needs child?” do we have systems in place?  I think don’t think we lack the will, but we certainly lack focus on more on the critical special needs populations and to this I just ask American’s to try not to not to be seduced by LGBT needs, I’m not saying they do not need a measure of empathy, but save your reservoir of energy and sympathy for those who are born with or who develop biological disability issues later in life.


May 3, 2024. LGBTQIA2+ Drops another flag. Skating across all traditional values and hoping to crash into the boundaries of most 21st century civilizations, the LGBT  has now wrapped a purple circle signifying intersectionality of  sexes with yellow for sex workers. As if we’re looking in the rear view mirror at San Francisco and the recent dystopian mess, they basically trash any hopes they have at normalization.

April 24, 2024.  Following landmark review by Dr Hilary Cass, a former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, following England, now Scotland has paused prescribing puberty blockers to new patients under 18 years old, mirroring action taken by England’s health authorities after a landmark review found young people had been let down by “remarkably weak” evidence backing medical interventions in gender care. Dr. Cass noted in March, mental health issues in dysfunctional families and other modalities are likely leading to higher rates of adolescents self-reporting being transgender and seeking pathways to explore. Although puberty blockers are blocked in 22 states in the United States it’s likely LGB activist will continue to thwart and exploit these weak psychological states of adolescents to advance the LGBTQIA+ agenda.

LGBT activist.


March 12, 2024. England Bans Puberty Blockers. England’s National Health Service (NHS) said Tuesday it will no longer provide puberty blockers at gender identity clinics, saying more information is needed about potential benefits and harms. Will the USA have to wait for another administration to do the same to protect children and their families?

March 3, 2024. National Education Association getting out front in 2024 to make sure academic subjects goals of indoctrination and LGBT ideology submits “Pride” theme for students along with to “Read Across America”, Social Justice and Activism, ensuring students remain children and never grow up, or do so with unchallenged stunted views of the world.

400KFirst Law Amendment to Solicitation of a Minor.

400KFirst wants to make parents aware that Children should not be put in environments where adults can try to seduce and solicit suggestions which moves them psychologically from the sex they are born to another gender or sex.  Lawmakers should modify current Solicitation of Minor Laws to include

1) Whenever a staff, teacher, nurse, social worker, psychologist asks a student “Do they feel comfortable with their sexuality?” or “Would they like to change or explore a different sex?” without parental written permission.

These should be categorized under child solicitation laws as Predator 101 for how to move an innocent child off their early developmental axis when the child does not have the sufficient understanding or grounding in the subject matter. Many adults may not have the psychological maturity to answer that question honestly because people at their core are innocent beings. For predators to cross that line and try to move a pre-adolescent (latency age), adolescent or early adult person off their psychological axis presents a predator who is cunning, manipulative and meets No. 2 of Unhealthy Desire or Unnatural Sexual Desire in a Person in Minors, United States Criminal code 18 USC 2422-2423, intending to move them down the path towards gender affirming care, irreversible puberty blockers and sexual transition surgery.

2) Parents in addition to having the right to be notified if their child is discussing gender issues, should also have the right to sign a waiver and request only a straight heterosexual counselor, nurse, psychologist or psychiatrist meet with their children for any academic or personal counseling.  The stakes are too big for losing a innocent human being to a Lesbian or Gay activist counselors who may have acculturated the norms that it is ok to ask these questions and know like a predator that from the moment the question is asked, that they are moving the child off that child’s psychological axis.  Parents need to be warned that up to 50% of these new counselors could be LGBT activist with every intent on breaking down straight heterosexual barriers and trafficking in minors by asking the above questions “Do they feel comfortable with their sexuality?” or “Would they like to change or explore a different sex?”

3) Finally K-12 schools and School Boards should stop using the word “Gender” from any curriculum except sex education, its too confusing for teachers and disrupts normal curriculum lesson plans and instructional time that your tax dollars are paying for, schools are not brothel’s loaning out children to political activists.

Take action below!
See the Massive Legislative Gains to Protect Children

Prevent 4-17 year old’s from being lured or sex trafficked in schools from school personnel who may induce them into considering or becoming a gender other than they are.

The most important thing we can do is to protect every kid and prove them with a safe and secure place for them learn.

Support a program aimed at changing prevailing attitudes and select to be partner with your movement. 

Support 400,000 babies and their families

Now is the time to talk with friends, geting together groups of people to collaborate for advocacy protecting K-12 children.  Americans have been shackled by people who have been choosing identities in adolescence that is both attention seeking and distracting draining massive amount of personal energies as well as resources that could go to help special needs children.  We need to claim freedom back that there is nothing wrong with telling an LGBT person to grow up.  You need to celebrate heterosexuality from the men who fight wars to the women who love their children  You don’t don’t do this because its a lifestyle your passionate about it as its the way we raise young people up.

Donate-we will purchase T-shirts and hand them out at rallies for you running up to 2024 elections November 5, 2024.

Buy a 400KFirst or T-Shirt or Sticker and show support by wearing them giving to friends and relatives and to try and show up at football games, and other sports events and resist against having unwanted adults talk with children aged 4-18 about gender issues in our public school systems, so that no adult can influence any child outside of the parent.

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