
We are seeing robust and massive legislative laws being passed to stop the active exploitation and sexual trafficking of heterosexual students in schools across the United States. In 2021 there were over 110 pro-straight heterosexual bills to protect children. Already in 2022 Q1 over 168 bills have...

Another Virginia school board rejected a policy from the state's Education Department that requires administrators to call students by pronouns reflecting their chosen gender identity rather than their biological pronouns. The Russell County school board unanimously voted Thursday to reject the state's mandatory changes to the transgender...

Although Sex Trafficking is usually discussed in media with minors from coming International countries or the American border states. 400KFirst looks at where the primary population of children are in the United States, it’s in the public schools, and the people with the most influence...

Starting this initiative: Too often we can want to react to conflict out of emotion instead of choosing to respond with thoughtful ideas.  In Philippians 2:3 it says, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit”.  It is through this lens along with values of...