Sex Trafficking

Sex Trafficking

Although Sex Trafficking is usually discussed in media with minors from coming International countries or the American border states. 400KFirst looks at where the primary population of children are in the United States, it’s in the public schools, and the people with the most influence over these children are the staff and school personnel.  Too often, it is these personnel who are assisting by suggesting or counseling children, aged four to eighteen, into the pathway of sex trafficking.  It’s done by adding to the number of LGBTQ members, and they do this by making the language of sex murky so they can change the narrative by using terms like “sex orientation”, “they appear”, and “more different gendered”. This would be an example of a question asked? “do you feel comfortable with your sex”? The truth is the only people that should be given authority to make that determination for their children are the parents, a licensed straight heterosexual Psychologist, Social Worker, Psychiatrist or God.  Any staff members or teachers who induce or harvest children to think about being another gender should have their teaching credentials removed and potentially be placed on sexual predator lists.  

We don’t have to create a playbook or new rules for dealing with this type of indoctrination or seduction; we’ve had laws and although school personnel may engage with manipulation and subterfuge by saying they can’t discriminate against a self-declared sex orientations or “they get it on social media”, the school is the place young people try new behaviors.  We have sexual predator laws and they should be applied for any actions attempting to persuade a child to a different gender so the country can have safe public school environments and parents are assured their children are in a safe environment which their tax dollars pay for.

Stand with 400KFirst and resist the seduction and attempts by adults to graft more young people into non-heterosexual genders.