Texas Children’s Hospital Now in Crosshairs and Under Investigation For Alleged Fraud

Texas Children’s Hospital Now in Crosshairs and Under Investigation For Alleged Fraud

June 20, 2024. This follows a second whistleblower coming forward yesterday and alleging that TCH medical professionals had committed Medicaid fraud within the sex-change program. Investigative journalist and Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute Chris Rufo confirmed with a spokesperson for the attorney general that Paxton is currently investigating the Medicaid fraud at the hospital. According to Rufo, the only two possible avenues for the investigation are civil and criminal“If the state pursues a civil case against Texas Children’s, the hospital could lose a significant amount of funding and, in the maximal outcome, even lose access to the state Medicaid program,” he explained. However, “If the state decides to pursue criminal charges, the doctors involved could face significant fines and up to 10 years in prison.” https://texasscorecard.com/state/texas-childrens-hospital-now-under-investigation-for-alleged-fraud/